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Dan Marullo
Founder-Master Trainer

Dan has been training dogs for over 30 years and is a sought out dog trainer in the South Florida area. His expertise with dogs, allow him to train dogs that most people would be afraid of. Dan's career began serving in the US Army as a Military Policeman. He was attached to a K9 unit. When Dan left the US Army in the early 1980's, he followed his dreams into Public Safety. With his experience Dan began training working dogs and carried his training into several different areas; personal protection, Local Police and Fire Municipalities, FEMA Urban Search and Rescue and also working dogs for Homeland Security.

Our Mission

It is the art of close observation-the science to understand what you see and the techniques to turn confusion and fear into trust and cooperation. But in the realm of dog behavior and training-the dog is only half the puzzle. The other half is the owner and the environment. People want to enjoy and feel safe with their pets. They want to know they are doing a good job. They need respect instruction in humane effective techniques and the gentle humor and encouragement to tackle the job of changing their dog’s behavior and master their own misgivings. I enjoy bringing confused dogs and concerned owners together in a happy- satisfying bond. They are satisfying and pleasant for owner and dog

Our Philosophy
Our Philosophy

The majority of trainers have a weak or non-existent background in why a dog is motivated to behave in a certain way. Our scientific knowledge plus years of practical training experience permits us to recognize the reason a problem exists. We then integrate the solution into the overall integrated approach to training so that new problems do not occur.We are dog owners too. Some of our dogs are for work some just for hugging and some for competition and some for all these things. Clearly the better they are trained the more they can share our lives. Our training programs are logical practical time and effort efficient and realistic.


We want you and your trained dog to be our best advertisement and set a good example for others We Specialize in: • Establishing a well formed pack • Difficult housebreaking issues • Behavior modification • Adapting new dogs to a new environment • Socialization • Rescue Dogs • Aggressive Breeds • All Issues • All Breeds References available Vet approved Flexible training hours around your busy schedule. No contracts or pressure! Satisfaction guaranteed results. Multi pet discounts. Easy payment plans available. Call for a free consultation. Let us make your pack a happy pack!

Dan’s Full Biography